26th CIPA International Symposium “Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation” August 28 – September 1, 2017, Ottawa, Canada.

Contribution Title: How can century-old architectural hierarchies of access to and provision of public libraries be re-interpreted and re-used?
The paper presented by Camilla Pezzica and Mariangela Parisi at the conference was among 7 deemed to be highest quality papers selected for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development.
Nexus 2018: The Relationship between Architecture and Mathematics, Pisa, Italy, 11-14 June 2018.

Contribution Title: Function should follow form: Futures for the radiant logic of Carnegie public libraries.
A long abstract with the outline of the presentation by Oriel Prizeman was published in: Williams, Kim and Bevilacqua, Marco Giorgio eds. Nexus 2018 Architecture and Mathematics Conference Book. Nexus Architecture and Mathematics Turin: Kim Williams Books, pp. 197-202.
27th CIPA International Symposium “Documenting the past for a better future”, Avila, Spain, 1-5 September 2019

Contribution Title: Between images and built form: automating the recognition of standardised building components using deep learning.
The paper submitted to the conference was presented by Camilla Pezzica in a very well attended session; “Artificial Intelligence in Heritage II”, it was selected as a candidate for the best paper award.